The Dressed to Kill

The girls of Ryanair strip off for the 2009 charity calendar

Low-cost airline Ryanair has flown into a storm after its latest charity calendar was branded sexist. A series of glossy photos feature scantily-clad female cabin crew who look more like page three pinups than plane staff. But despite raising money for homeless charity Dublin Simon Community, the calendar has already run into trouble.

The girls of Ryanair strip off for the 2009 charity calendar

Wet n' Wild: The girls of Ryanair strip off for the 2009 charity calendar The Institute for Women in Spain is considering legal action and intends to complain to Irish and EU authorities that the publication is sexist as it only features female models. In a statement, it said: 'It is significant that only women are used, in a sector in which there is a considerable percentage of men.'

January: Miss Fuel Pump

January: Miss Fuel Pump

February: Miss Lookout

February: Miss Lookout Spokesman María Jesús Ortiz claimed the images presented the women as 'sexual objects.' 'We're not talking about morals or nudity here, it's simply how women are portrayed,' she said. 'If there had been men in the calendar I'm sure there would have been no controversy.' The Institute became involved after a complaint from consumer group FACUA, which claimed the images promoted macho behaviour. 'The company is attacking the dignity of women workers in general and especially of cabin crew members, by presenting stereotypical images of these professionals which they have spent years struggling against,' a spokesman added. Last year's Ryanair Cabin Crew Charity Calendar raised over 70,000 euros for the Angels Quest Charity. A Ryanair spokesman said: "The 2009 edition, which was shot in Spain in September, is even more colourful and sexy and should sell like hot cakes,"

March: Miss Check-in

March: Miss Check-in

April: Miss Cockpit

April: Miss Cockpit "It will make the ideal Christmas present, or a New Year gift which will remind people not just of Europe's favourite low fares airline, but the gorgeous girls you can meet on board Ryanair flights," she added. Ryanair has sent a free copy of the Ryanair Cabin Crew 2009 charity calendar to the FACUA which last year objected to Ryanair's 2008 calendar.

May: Miss Engineer

May: Miss Engineer

June: Miss Control Tower

June: Miss Control Tower The airline has also sent a free copy to Swedish politician Birgitta Ohlsson, who recently criticised a Ryanair advert which used a scantily-clad model. The Dublin Simon Community's Sam McGuinness said: "With Government funding constraints we now, more than ever, depend on the generosity of corporate supporters, such as Ryanair, to continue to provide services and shelter to those seeking our assistance."

July: Miss Take-off

July: Miss Take-off

August: Miss Mechanic

August: Miss Mechanic Simon Community said the number of people requiring the assistance of its Rough Sleeper Team rose by 50% during the first half of 2008.

September: Miss Wet and Miss Wild

September: Miss Wet and Miss Wild

October: Miss Safety

October: Miss Safety The charity said the Government should have done more during better economic times to eliminate homelessness as it claimed it is faced with the prospect of even more homeless people facing into tougher and less secure times. The calendar can be purchased for ten euros either directly from Ryanair flights or through the website.

November: Miss Hostess

November: Miss Hostess

December: Miss Runuway

December: Miss Runuway

  1. > DAISY
  2. > You Only Live Once
  3. > Pretty Young Thing
  4. > CORAL
  5. > Ignorance is Bliss