The Dressed to Kill

Paris refuses to eat meat

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More than A pretty Face !! Paris Hilton Paris Hilton hasn't eaten meat since meeting Heather Mills McCartney. The blonde star says she converted to vegetarianism, after the former model showed her a shocking video of animal cruelty. She said, "From that point I've never worn fur and I never will. I also haven't eaten any meat since. I just survive on pasta and stuff like that. I grossed out, It was disgusting." Paris also claims she is nothing like the ditzy blonde character she says 'invented' for her reality Tv show The Simple Life. She adds, "All reality shows are fake. when you have a camera on you, you are not going to act yourself. before I started the show, I thought I'd make my character like the movie Legally Blonde and Clueless mixed together, with a rich girl all-in-one. Even my voice and the way I dress is different from me in real life