The Dressed to Kill

beyonce gets fur scare

Super Celebrity
'Fur' Rocious! Beyonce Knowles Beyonce Knowles and her Mother were forced to flee A dinner fans won at an auction when the devotees turned out to be animal rights activists. The activist pair, who won the chance to dine with beyonce at a music auction, bombarded the pop dive with questions about her decisions to wear fur and includes fur in her clothing line. And the onslaught didn't stop there as beyonce and her mum Sat Awkwardly at a trendy nightclub in new york recently The unnamed animal rights activist pair placed a portable DVD player and forced the knowles girls to watch a video Expose of the fur industry, narrated by pamela anderson, Featuring footage of animal who are Trapped, Drowned, and Electrocuted for their pelts. beyonce and her mother quickly excused themselves and left the restaurant. The animal Spokesman michael mcgraw says, " we contacted beyonce numerous times over the years, begging her to stop promoting the violence of the fur industry. By wearing and designing fur, She is setting a terrible example for young women who look up to her and want to emulate her. she is promoting one of the most violent industries on the planet."